Microcontroller Base Liquid Level Controlled using Pressure Sensor


Acutor Differential Pressure.

How to Cite

Khalid Omer Mohamed Nour and Eltahir Mohamed Hussain, “Microcontroller Base Liquid Level Controlled using Pressure Sensor ”, Tech. Horizon J., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 73–77, Mar. 2018.
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Application for control of the liquid level by using indirect method for sensing the level and using the microcontroller to operate the pumps, this method is effective, cheap and easy to apply. Using the materials and components are available for designing and building a level measurement system to ultimately give a single-ended voltage output with a value and span from 0 volts to +5 volts and use it to control the level. This paper addresses the design, construction, and the development of the control system components for Control Liquid level through Pressure measurement using a microcontroller.



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