Acoustic Source Localization Based on Time Difference of Arrivals using Generalize Cross-Correlation Method


Micro-controller DSK6713
Audio Daughter Card
Code Composer Studio.

How to Cite

Amer Sharafeldeen alshafea and Eltahir Mohamed Hussein, “Acoustic Source Localization Based on Time Difference of Arrivals using Generalize Cross-Correlation Method ”, Tech. Horizon J., vol. 2, no. 2, Feb. 2018.
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This paper describes how to detect the location of a sound source using a microphone array by determining the Time Delay of Arrivals (TDOA), which is a powerful technique to obtain the position of the sound source depending on the position of the microphone array. The mathematical model represents the sound propagation, which affects the sensors. To estimate the location of the sound, a digital signal processor-educational kit DSK6713-was used to collect the sound signals from the microphones through four channels audio Daughter Card, the Code composer studio software is used for the configuration of the DSK6713 and Daughter Card, and MATLAB is used for analyzing the previously collected sound signals. The estimated position was coming properly and the error minimized to less than two centimeters.



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