Rationalization of Electricity and Water Consumption Based embedded system


Embedded System
Real Time Clock
Power Consumption

How to Cite

Amer Sharafeldeen alshafea and Eltahir Mohamed Hussein, “Rationalization of Electricity and Water Consumption Based embedded system”, Tech. Horizon J., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 56–58, Mar. 2018.
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The most significant problem that faces the electricity nowadays is the misusage and the wastage of power. Usually the carelessness of the responsible person and the operators, lights had been left on, which appears as misusage of electricity. While the water wastage is another problem, that needs to be dealt with. The project is considered as the main factor to overcome some of these problems by taking automation as a real application.  The project aims to control the flow of water, and electrical machines in a simple facility based on an embedded system, which is a small prototype that can be applied in all factories and plans to save the lost resources. Now, from the hardware side, this project consists of the microcontroller (PIC 16F877A) which represents the brain of this system, the other components are, LEDs, two DC motors, two relays, DS1307 which is a real time clock used for adjusting the date and the time in addition to the buzzer. Finally, for programming and designing the circuit, the software packages MikroC compiler and Proteus 8 professional had been used.  The paper is working properly, by this method Waste of water and electricity has disappeared, so saving water, and electricity has become a reality. 



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